Thursday, August 29, 2013

Another month done, another month to go

I'm approaching month 15!! If all goes well, I have 5 more months to go. Not much to report really but this phase of braces takes patience. Wait, wait, wait. I found a photo from the day I got braces- talk about progress.

Month 15

Day 1

Thursday, August 1, 2013

I want my mouth back!

14 months in, 6ish more months to go! I had my braces adjusted today. Today was the first  time orthodontist says, " I'd take Advil tonight if I were you". He wasn't kidding, feels like a golf ball hit my bottom teeth. And, something about braces, my lips stay swollen for a week after adjustments. Why? 

 My bottom wire was reshaped today to help the spaces close. I knew I'd feel it when i watched my orthodontist make indents to my wire. The mouth is moving! 

Advice for anyone getting braces, get teeth pulled before braces go on! I feel like I'm watching paint dry. 

Month 10

Month 14